Restore Election Confidence Initiative

- Statement On The Restore Election Confidence Initiative (May 26, 2024) -

Sadly, I informed the Elections Department that we don’t have the required signatures for submission. 

This was a very solid effort, but the restriction of only 120 days to gather signatures turned out to be more than our citizen-led effort could accomplish. 

Here’s a list of factors that contributed to us coming up short:

Thank you to all who gave, sacrificed and often stood out in the cold to collect nearly 8,000 signatures. Thank you to the 40+ businesses that put your patriotism over profits and setup a signature station. 

Very special thanks to the volunteers that collected signatures, but most importantly, talked to thousands about how our elections can be better and should be better here in Clark County. 

It took decades of inaction to get us where we are today, and it will take more than a few months effort to get us out. We must civilly and respectfully engage and sacrificially work to take our county back and bring about the reforms that will tilt us into a healthy Constitutional Republic once again. 

I’m disappointed we came up short, but I’m pleased we’ve kept the light shining on this important issue of election confidence and ever increasing low voter turnout and exposed some hidden corruption along the way. 

God bless you,


RV FINAL DRAFT: An ORDINANCE to Restore Election Confidence Intiative.pdf

What Will The Restore Election Confidence Initiative Do?

The Initiative is focused on improving the election procedures of Clark County by requiring the following:

We need 35,000 signatures before May 25, 2024 in order to get this initiative on the November 2024 ballot.


CLICK HERE To Volunteer At Upcoming Events

Restore Election Confidence Initiative Clears Final Review Step: Signatures Can Begin  1/27

Clark County Today: Initiative filed in Clark County to "Restore Election Confidence"  Read Article HERE

The League of Women Voters, as an overall organization, has made statements of concern about election vulnerabilities, and the statement in the Restore Election Confidence Initiative is accurate: "Whereas, significant numbers of voters from both political parties and the League of Women Voters have voiced concern over election vulnerabilities." However, any interpretation that the League of Women Voters somehow supports the Restore Election Confidence Initiative is not intended.

Filed Writ of Mandamus 1.8.24.pdf


The Columbian's article... CLICK HERE

We Only Have FOUR MONTHS To Collect Signatures So Volunteer Today! 

We are organizing now but expect to start collecting signatures late January or beginning of February.  SIGN UP HERE TO VOLUNTEER